Nadine White

Nadine White (23 October 1992 )
Place of birth: Grew up in Brixton, South West London
Residency: UK
Known for: Reporting issues on racism and social affairs
Award: Paulette Wilson Windrush Award (2020)
Nadine White as a young adult has really made a name for herself as a journalist. Why? She is the first person to be appointed to The Independent newspaper to cover stories on race issues. In other words she is a Race Correspondent. It seems as though Nadine is following her dreams. She told the Press Gazette that reporting about issues relating to race, and amplifying black perspectives in particular was part and parcel of why she became a journalist. I guess what Nadine is saying here is that issues relating to the black race should part of the mainstream and not on the sidelines. It should have the same weight as other racial issues.
Nadine sees her work with The Independent newspaper as part of the change for which she yearns for.
It’s been reported that the Independent newspaper created this role to improve the reporting on issues affecting the lives of people of colour and expose stories of racial injustice.
Nadine brings to The Independent newspapers’ table sound experience and skills which will enable her report on such issues.
The Centre for Investigative Journalism, says that Nadine’s work with ‘HuffPost’, has had real impact and brought in stories that would otherwise not have been read by a mass audience, placing perspective from BAME communities at the forefront to national news
Before Nadine worked for The Independent newspaper, she worked with HuffPost. She was responsible to cover work on current affairs, race and social justice. Nadine is obviously passionate about her work and the areas she covers. Nadine has also worked for the Voice
newspaper which is a British national black weekly newspaper which has been running since the early 1980s.
In 2020 Nadine won the Paulette Wilson Windrush Award. Nadine won this work because she helped to reveal the Windrush scandal.