
Black Heroes Foundation

Meet the trustees of the Black Heroes Foundation.

Joyce Fraser OBE

Claire Jackson

20 Black Heroes Foundation Trustee Claire Jackson

Rev Michael King

Reverend Michael King

Elaine Grant

Elaine Grant BHF Trustee

Our Patron

His Excellency Seth George Ramocan, Jamaica’s High Commisioner to the UK. The Black Heroes Foundation has received the blessings of Jamaica’s High Commissioner to the UK, His Excellency Seth George Ramocan who has agreed to be patron for the Foundation.

Zach Mendelsohn

The Black Heroes Foundation (BHF) website is designed and managed by Zach Mendelshn @ SEOLIT.

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Black Heroes Foundation News and Events 


We deliver special events at your premises or digitally as required. It can be an interactive event telling the stories of, and celebrating Black Heroes. This can be from the screening of one of our films, performance of a play, through to delivery of speeches and workshops. We help schools, universities,and corporate organisations to engage with diversity.

Your Support

The Foundation is dependent upon support from the community, businesses and government bodies. Please support this great cause in order to help fulfil Flip Fraser’s dream, and preserve his legacy created from the internationally acclaimed show “Black Heroes in the Hall of Fame”.

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We need your support, please donate where you can.

Help us to make a difference. To be that bright light in the corner of a dark room, giving diversity a Voice.

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